Aaron School 30th Street Candy Grams
The Aaron School Student Council hit the ground running in 2018 by planning and organizing the ordering of Candy Grams for 30th Street students and faculty in an effort to help raise money for the upcoming senior class trip to Rocking Horse Ranch. During the month of January, Student Council members worked together to generate order forms and create flyers to display around the school. The Student Council class representatives then visited Advance groups to distribute order forms and explain the ordering process. The Student Council also invited families to participate by ordering Candy Grams for their children or Aaron School faculty and staff.

Throughout January, Student Council members made periodic announcements regarding Candy Grams over the school paging system and took orders for Candy Grams during lunch. As the orders for Candy Grams came in, the Student Council met to discuss the items that would be included in the Candy Grams, and decided upon Valentine’s Day themed candy including chocolate hearts and kisses. The Student Council also decided upon allergy-friendly options, including Valentine’s Day themed erasers and stamps.

Once all orders were collected, Student Council members began to compile each Candy Gram. Members of the Student Council were divided into several groups, including students who used the order forms to create labels for each bag, students who stuffed the bags with candy and students who tied the labels to each bag. On Wednesday, February 14, Student Council members visited Advance groups to distribute Candy Grams to Aaron School students and faculty. The Candy Grams were a huge success for the Student Council and were enjoyed by all of Aaron School! In all, the Student Council received over 200 orders for Candy Grams! The large amount of orders not only kept Student Council members busy, but it also reduced the cost of the senior class trip to Rocking Horse Ranch! The Student Council and senior class are thankful to the Aaron School community for taking part in such a wonderful event!