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Castle Ball Tournament

Castle Ball Tournament

  |   Aaron School, High School, Special Programs, Sports

To kick off the New Year, Aaron School 30th Street students participated in their first annual Castle Ball Tournament! What is Castle Ball? Castle Ball is a game in which two teams, comprised of eight to ten players each, compete on opposite sides of the court to knock down all of their opponent’s castles. Each team has three “castles” that are built using four hula-hoops. The objective of the game is to throw balls to knock down all three of the opponent’s castles before the opposing team has a chance to rebuild. All three castles have to be fully knocked down in order to win the round. The key to a successful win is communication and teamwork, which each team did effectively.


The students communicated to one another about when to rebuild a castle or help defend their castles from getting hit. The teams were comprised of students across all grade levels, giving the students the opportunity to get to know one another better and interact in a more collaborative manner. The teams had a few minutes before each round to discuss strategy and defensive techniques, and it quickly became evident that the teams who utilized that time were more cohesive, and therefore advanced to the next round.

Castle Ball Tournament

The sidelines were just as exciting as the games themselves, with the audience cheering loudly in excitement as they watched a team defend their remaining castles, and as team members scrambled to rebuild the other castles. Even the teachers were heard cheering from the sidelines! Eventually the tournament came down to the last two surviving teams. The final game was long and intense, with each team working together, communicating and strategizing on how to defeat their opponent. Ultimately Team 6 prevailed and rose to victory to claim the crown. After the winner was declared, Aaron School students and faculty applauded one another’s efforts and team work. The students are already looking forward to their next chance to be name Castle Ball champion and reclaim the crown!

Castle Ball Tournament